Mag’zine #20-21 {culture}
Salutations chères lectrices et chers lecteurs !
En cette fin d’été, l’équipe de Mag’zine vous propose de découvrir un rayon de soleil qui illuminera cette grisaille et réchauffera vos cœurs. En effet, tout le numéro s’articule autour d’une thématique à laquelle nous tenons beaucoup ; l’amour.
Après une année d’absence, nous renouons ce lien avec nos lecteurs, sans jamais oublier que c’est l’amour qui nous anime. L’amour pour nos passions, le plaisir de partager cela autour de nous et, l’enthousiasme d’en discuter.
Mag’zine, c’est une aventure pleine de bons sentiments, qui ne manque jamais de transmettre avec ardeur ses émotions. Lorsque l’on parle d’art, la notion d’« émotion » est toujours là, tout près.
À toutes et à tous, nous espérons du fond du cœur, que vous prendrez votre pied à parcourir les 90 pages de ce numéro double. Merci de nous suivre, merci de nous lire et merci de nous partager. On ne peut faire un câlin à chacun d’entre vous, mais le cœur y est !
N’hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos retours en commentaire de cet article ou sur Discord ! Toute l’équipe serait vraiment ravie de pouvoir échanger avec vous. Et si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, c’est la même adresse.
À bientôt pour de nouvelles dépêches et un nouveau numéro de Mag’zine !
Petite édition, il est écrit dans le numéro que vous pouvez trouver la version originale du texte de Niles que nous avons traduit, hors, j’ai quelque peu oublié de le mettre. Je corrige donc cette erreur dès à présent !
I’m obsessed with the human body. We are fascinating creatures. We can heal ourselves with very little effort, we can create life and some can hold that within their bodies. We can create, build and evolve the world in our image. Human beings, to me, are the most interesting beings on this planet. The human body can do so much, it’s so strong, that I love drawing and studying it. Ever since I was little I always carried around a small drawing pad and whenever I could I would draw life. Just people going about their everyday lives. This is something that really developed into my late teens and early adulthood. I would go into coffee shops, grab a comfy corner and doodle the people around me.
I’m a little strange when it comes to my personal work. The tormented soul, grief and love is something I love to mash together into story telling. I think it’s all something we experience once in our lives. Positive and negative emotions within a piece is something I really strive towards- I think I just want to complicate my work towards my followers! With this piece presented I titled it ‘Tamed’. Making something less powerful and easier to control is something we all do every day and something we’ve all experienced. With Tamed I wanted to draw something eye catching so I concentrated on the palette. I wanted something sunny and warm, something that people would be drawn to look at.
To me, everything is romantic. I’m a very romantic person in general. Not just by how I treat others but how I approach life and my daily actives. With my drawing I pour a lot of that romance in and that’s what I wanted in Tamed. I wanted romance, but I also wanted suffering. For those that have experienced romance, love, infatuation, you’ll understand that suffering is well mixed within it. Sometimes it ends and other times it just falls apart. I wanted Tamed to be desperate, I wanted the pair to be holding onto each other as they embraced as if their life depended on it. It’s as if on this sunny day they are trying to remember something they both treasure in the past, but can no longer get back. Like this day is the last that their bodies bond in such a way.
I love doing pieces like this. There’s just something beautiful about two souls battling it out silently. Using their vessels instead of their words. I’ve always been heavily inspired by Yamamoto Takato’s work. I find his works very tragic and romantic. The way he places the naked body within a scene is just breath taking and surreal. In some ways I follow his footsteps in creating something where the naked skin collides and bond, I guess Tamed is something similar. Although Takato’s approach is dark and brooding. At the time of creating Tamed I was dealing with extreme loss of losing a parent, but I had also gained in life. I did Tamed in under half an hour at the time I really didn’t care for it much. I just wanted to get what was in my head onto paper and be done with it, in a way it was me letting go and moving on. My partner has always told me that the pieces we sketch out from the moment in our heads is the greatest ones we create. It’s something rare to just scribble out what’s on your mind and invasion it – As corny as it is, my partner has always been my inspiration during my artistic career.
Tamed like many other works I’ve done is something I hold very dear to me. I think I can really relate to the couple. A desperate plea in life to hold onto someone special. Don’t worry, I’m not always so loom and gloom! I just like to create quick and beautiful pieces to empty my head once in a while. I hope you like Tamed as much as I do.